11 August, 2009

A New Page

So, my readers, I all but gave up on my blog, Lost in Middle Earth, a long time ago. But of late I've been wanting to write, without any inspiration, or any inspiring place to do my writing. Thus I've decided to create a new place to muse and pound out my thoughts--my writer's tower, made of words and thought. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this blog more than my previous one. Likewise, with any luck I'll be able to maintain a certain level of writing style that I never maintained in my old blog (don't expect me to stop rambling, however!).

A brief update on my life: this year I have attained the lovely status of "junior" (or some such thing) in school. I spent my summer doing almost no writing, but plenty of reading and quite a bit of money-earning. Since today is the first day of the school year, it seems a fitting time to start a new blog. I'm looking forward to most (but not all, alas) of my classes... The start of youthgroup also has me very excited. From the look of things, this year could be a wonderful one!

Still writing,


Isaac, the masterofweirdness said...

new blog... okay.

Oh, and you're a junior ya! This means you get to go through the joins and pains I went through last year. Have fun doing the SAT/ACT. :P

Unknown said...

Me likeys da rambles :) and btw I totally thought it was the Writer Stower, lol. Me is silly :D
I LOVE BLOGS THEY ARE COOL AND YOURS IS COOL. And I totally agree with your sidebar thing about words and pictures. You're smart :D

Manwathiel said...

The old one was uninspiring, Isaac =P. And nothing's like a fresh sheet of paper when you want to write something new and different, right?

Why thank ye, Abby =). Let's hope that I actually keep up with it...