12 August, 2009

Times New Roman, Size 12

Don't you just love Times New Roman, size 12 font? It irritates me to no end that what I use here on my blog is technically size 13, even though it looks like size 12. I find it difficult to type essays or stories if I'm using anything other than Times New Roman, size 12. Needless to say, I think my TPS English teachers are succeeding with the whole brainwashing thing. The next thing you know I'll be taking be verbs and contractions entirely out of my writing! (I've already started cutting back...eep) But without any more rambling, I'm utterly happy to say that I have grown to like Times New Roman, size 12. Thank you, to my wonderful English teachers, for giving me a love of this font and font size. If I had never taken TPS English I might have continued writing in sundry fonts, none as stylish or as professional as Times New Roman. Stuck in a rut of irregular fonts.

Ooh...I just had a wonderful idea for a poem. I can call it "Ode to Times New Roman, Size 12"


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure it is impossible to write a good piece when you cut out contractions ENTIRELY!!! Then... then... there's no contractions!!

Manwathiel said...

I disagree! My English teachers have brainwashed me, you see. Since then, I have grown to greatly dislike contractions in writing, except for casual writing.

Anonymous said...

I like contractions when used correctly.....and my favorite font is Comic Sans MS in size 14. I find that the larger size is easier on my eyes. Love, G.G. P.S. Sorry for delay in commenting, but I couldn't find your blog until now!

Anonymous said...

katherine, you sholdn't allow teachers to brainwash you. -_- tut tut. *disapproving look*