04 May, 2010

I Need to Write...

If I can be called anything, it's certainly not a consistent blogger. It has been months since I last posted. Life simply caught up with me and I realized that plenty of things--grades, the future, and friends among them--are, and rightly so, more important than blogging. This is still true. However, I've realized that my world is turning topsy-turvy and writing is a gift from God that I can always turn to. It isn't going to leave me, even if I'm on another continent or having an identity crisis (which supposedly I am supposed to have in the near future. Lucky me). So I'm going to, hopefully, get back to blogging. I might turn to journaling instead, you never know. But for now I'm going to attempt to keep this blog going. But as I said, I am not a consistent blogger at all.

Interesting phrases have been flung around recently. "Reentry," "identity crisis," and "reverse culture shock" among them. Of course, I've heard all of them before. Experienced all of them before to a certain extent, but this will be different, naturally.

I'm not sure what to expect, but at least I can write about it. That gives me a great deal of comfort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep writing! Love ya x